Your brand is the idea and image used to connect with your audience.
 schema7 can help you find your true voice.


Branding reaches beyond your logo. Your Brand extends to how you speak, the images you use, and the perceived values and character your customers associate with your company. Branding can be defined by the experience offered by a product or service at every touch point with your customer.

schema7 can help you refine your Brand. Our aim is to transform your trademark into a “love” mark – a Brand that truly connects with your customers.



We are proud to collaborate with Tamika and Marion Mason, the founders of Building for Mission, on a branding project for their new company! After thoroughly learning about their vision and mission, company culture and business goals, we created a new branding package and brand styleguide to promote their new business!

Building for Mission (BFM) equips and empowers mission driven organizations and
individuals to reach their full potential through strategy and talent consulting.


This project was done while working for LMO Advertising as their Interactive Art Director. The branding campaign included a new Logo Design, a Brand Styleguide, Apparel Design, Interior Design Color Specs, Environmental Signage and Wayfinding Signage System, Exhibit Design, Print Design (Business Cards, Letterhead, Notebooks, etc), Website Redesign and Social Media Branding. As part of the new brand launch, we also collaborated on a bicycle up-cycling design with Phoenix Bikes Arlington, a non-profit in Arlington, Virginia whose mission is to educate youth, promote bicycling, and build community.

LMO Rebranding T-Shirt Design A. Image courtesy of LMO Advertising.

The goal is to create a “love” mark, not just a trademark for our clients.

LMO Rebranding T-Shirt Design B. Image courtesy of LMO Advertising.

LMO Rebranding Phoenix Bike Project. Image courtesy of LMO Advertising.

LMO Rebranding Exhibit Design. Image courtesy of LMO Advertising.

LMO Rebranding Style Guide. Image courtesy of LMO Advertising.