After studying Architecture at Virginia Tech's Graduate School of Architecture and working for residential and commercial Architecture firms in the DC area, Hernando is passionate about composing compelling spaces – a place that expresses your unique story. Whether you are an entrepreneur, retailer, restaurateur, or artist, schema7 can work with you to further develop the physical space around you into an extension of your mission and brand. From design consulting, way-finding systems to environmental graphics, we can help you project your brand and mission to the spaces you and your company inhabit.


Calcagnini Contemplative Center, Blue Ridge Mountains, VA. Design and construction drawings while at Dynerman Architects. Image courtesy of Dynerman Architects.

Calcagnini Contemplative Center, Blue Ridge Mountains, VA. Design and construction drawings while at Dynerman Architects. Image courtesy of Dynerman Architects.

Architecture is the mother of all the arts. It incorporates colors, composition, site and space planning, light, engineering and safety, as well as the intangibles of emotion, feeling and well-being. A chapel has a different feeling than a retail store, yet both incorporate all these elements into creating an emotion for us. Attaining the sublime in architecture is an unequivocal achievement when one considers all the elements that need to work cohesively to accomplish something beautiful.

Calcagnini Contemplative Center, Blue Ridge Mountains, VA. Design and construction drawings while at Dynerman Architects. Image courtesy of Dynerman Architects.

Calcagnini Contemplative Center, Blue Ridge Mountains, VA. Design and construction drawings while at Dynerman Architects. Images courtesy of Dynerman Architects.